kagomeP feat. KAAI Yuki - PNDR【歌愛ユキオリジナル】
Inside Pandora's Box
Rainbow Kaleidoscope
Rainning puzzle pieces
Cheery harmonica
A picture book still unknown
Lyrical Music Box
Rockin' Rockin' wooden horse
Smiling doll
Blocks becoming a castle
What is missing?
Your into toys
Rubbish toys and first-kiss
"Let's trade -
- yes we should"
Your into toys
Rubbish toys and first-kiss
"Let's trade - yes we should"
The jack-in-the-box laughs
Rusted harmonica
Blocks without pillars
Silent Music Box
Broken legged wooden horse
Junked doll
Mismatching puzzle pieces
Shattered Kaleidoscope
What is missing?
Deeper into toys
The world sinks - unable to breathe
"Catch me if you can. I'm clapping here"
Deeper into toys
The world sinks - unable to breathe
"Catch me if you can. I'm clapping here"
Who is [your/my] second-kiss?